Download Call of Duty Heroes MOD APK 2.1.0
And so I fully expected to go into Call of Duty Heroes and find something that really wasn’t going to appeal to me, that wouldn’t keep me playing for even 20 minutes and so it was interesting to find this game Call of Duty Heroes really pulled me in. In part it might be the Call of Duty universe and the way they’ve kind of tied it back through Call of Duty’s past. The structure here is really ripped from all of the previous games of this type.
You build your base you invade other bases, you get invaded, you upgrade your base. All of this is very much the muchness but for some reason the things that I usually hate about these games Call of Duty Heroes aren’t weighing on me quite as much with this particular title. Now perhaps it’s the world that this game is inhabiting, as I’ve said. But there’s something quite interesting going on here. It’s still a cash cow and it still desperately wants your wallet but at least through that first hour to two hours of the game it does feel like a game and something that’s quite engaging and fun to play. You have the usual option of a mission structure which allows you to unlock additional resources as well as attacking other players in PvP.
Now I’m afraid those in-app purchases are there and they cut across the usual gambit of things we come to expect from these sorts of games. You can buy more energy, you can buy more oil, you can buy more gold, and you can buy a shield which will stop you being attacked by other players.There’s certainly a lot here to enjoy, as a pick-up-and-play game,as a more of a build a base and defend your base and attack other bases game.It’s also quite good.Call of Duty Heroes MOD APK 2.1.0 High attacking damage.
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Call of Duty Heroes APK - Download Call of Duty Heroes MOD APK ( High unit damage free on Android )
Reviewed by DroidOne
July 20, 2019
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